Aug 23

Cooking version of “human-machine battle”: the cooking robot completely wins over the chef

Recently, the circle of friends of Beijing citizens has been swept by a “human-machine battle”. Unlike the Go game between humans and the “Alpha Dog”, the protagonist of this “human-machine battle” is the Jiuyang Fried Vegetable Robot, which “singled out” 9 folk chefs in Beijing, sparking a heated discussion among the whole people.

On July 29th, this human-machine battle was raging at Beijing Hualian Wanliu Shopping Center, attracting curiosity from Beijing citizens: What exactly does this vegetable frying robot look like? What is the difference from ordinary robots? Why can we challenge folk chefs?

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the host announced the rules of this human-machine battle: the competition is divided into four groups, with one group of frying robots operated by a staff member; Three groups of folk chefs, each consisting of three people, use traditional woks and induction cookers for cooking. Four groups start the competition at the same time and make three dishes within the designated time.

The evaluation criteria for this human-machine war not only consider the taste and color of the food, but also compare it from dimensions such as cooking smoke and cooking time. Finally, the average score of the three groups will be compared with the score of the fryer, and the party with the higher score will win.

Three minutes of sour and spicy potato shreds stir frying robot’s unique skill

The first dish of the PK between the two parties is sour and spicy shredded potatoes. Although it is a very traditional home cooked dish, it extremely tests the skills of the “chefs”. The uniformity of the ingredients, the appropriateness of the seasoning, and even the proficiency of stir frying can affect the quality and taste of the “work”, thus determining the final score.

With the order of the host, the folk chefs quickly lined up on stage, seizing the time to start cooking, heat oil, stir fry, and seasoning, all busy.

The nearby frying robot appears very calm, just putting ingredients and ingredients into the frying robot’s pot at once, covering the pot lid, activating the button, and waiting for it to automatically stir fry. Before the vegetables were ready to be cooked, the on-site audience eagerly stepped forward and surrounded the frying robot tightly. Without manual operation, just put it in and wait for it to come out of the pot? “” Why hasn’t there been any oil smoke coming out? “The onlookers were discussing the” strength “of the frying robot.

After 3 minutes, the frying robot took the lead in completing the task and brought out a plate of sour and spicy potato shreds with all colors, flavors, and flavors. Not long after, the sour and spicy potato shreds made by folk chefs were gradually released from the pot along with the oil smoke.

It has to be said that the sour and spicy potato shreds made by the frying robot are indeed good, and the cooking temperature is quite accurate. If there is one more point, it will be noodles, and if there is one less point, it will be hard. After tasting the finished product, the on-site judges couldn’t help but praise the frying robot repeatedly. I didn’t expect the dish made by the stir frying robot to be even more delicious, and the color of the dishes they made was also very bright

Automatic frying machine with no oil smoke and vegetable frying robot wins with one enemy and nine major players

Can the craftsmanship of folk chefs conquer the audience and judges present? Can the attacking frying robot win the final victory with black technology? Some viewers speculate, “It must be the frying robot that wins, because you can see that it is intelligent and fast, and the key is that there is no oil smoke yet

Soon, with the completion of the second and third courses of the contestants in each group – green pepper dried tofu and shredded pork with chili peppers, the folk chef competition area became more “smoky”, like a “fairyland on earth”. Looking at the other side of the cooking robot competition area, it was still very fresh, completely free of oil smoke.

In the end, the frying robot defeated three groups of folk chefs 2-1. As soon as the competition results were released, everyone was boiling, and the final winner was actually the vegetable frying robot!

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